Our History
Clo Zironi Mecanica (CZM’s original name) built its first piece of foundation equipment, a Crane Attachment rotary table, that was designed to drill 260ft deep. From this first unit forward, the focus of the company would change from Crane rentals to Foundation Equipment manufacturing.

CZM designed its first truck mounted drilling rig, the CD27. This unit was a flagship product with hundreds of units sold.

CZM introduced its first micro pile machine, the CR12.
CZM built its first CFA machine, a crane attachment.

CZM had a major break through with the development of the Bottom Drive CFA patent. With this patent our machines could drill deeper than any other CFA machine in the market. Hundreds of machines have been put in operation using this technology.

CZM sells its first machine in the American Market, the TM300, a truck mounted drill rig, through its new established dealer WFJ.

CZM starts the development of the EK line of drill rigs. This line was designed exclusively for the American market focused on the needs of local contractors. A robust kelly bar machine, convertible to short mast, made on CAT base.

CZM exhibits the EK250 at Conexpo. The first time an EK is presented to the American market.

With the success of the product and a sale of 11 EK125 to the Oil & Gas Market, CZM USA is incorporated to better service the American market. Officine Verlicchi, a traditional manufacturer of drilling rig components in Italy is acquired.

CZM USA moves to its first factory in Pembroke, GA.

CZM USA opens CFactor, its subisidiary to offer rentals and RPO’s (Rent with Purchase Option).

CZM Texas Branch is inaugurated.

Our Product Line is expanded to include all types of foundation applications applied in the American Market, such as CFA, Displacement Piles, Micropiles, Hydraulic hammer pile driving, Cased CFA, Soilmixing, among others.

CZM moves to its new state of the art factory in Ellabell, GA. Increasing its production capacity to 100 machines / year.

CZM adds California Service Center.

CZM announces expansion to its US headquarters.

CZM adds Kentucky Service Center.